Welcome Francisco Vouilloz

We like to welcome Francisco Vouilloz to the Curtin Corrosion Centre team. Francisco will be leading the acid gas corrosion theme within the QEERI-Curtin Alliance in Corrosion.
A bit more about Francisco
Francisco enjoys solving real-life problems. He has a Materials Engineering degree from the National University of Mar del Plata, where he gained knowledge in polymers, metals, ceramics and composite materials. His thesis consisted of studying a series of composite materials for enhanced adhesion of bone prosthesis. He earned the award for being the graduate having the highest average mark.
Before graduation, he joined the Materials Dept. of the R&D Centre at Tenaris, a world-leading OCTG supplier. At Tenaris, he worked in understanding the capabilities and limitations of high strength low alloy steel products for operation in sour service, assessing resistance to sulphide stress cracking (SSC). Later, he moved to the Product Engineering team, a fast-paced area in which he was responsible for providing technical support to the sales force regarding complex queries, analysing data from production and negotiating with the mills to achieve stringent requirements, and evaluating and supplying collapse pressure ratings for casing and tubing to be used in demanding projects.
In 2018, he moved to Australia to undertake an MSc of Eng. in Oil and Gas at the University of Western Australia. By his performance, he earned two Chevron and Woodside Chair Awards in 2018 and 2019. By the time he graduated from the course, he had worked for Curtin Corrosion Centre supporting a diverse range of projects. These involve corrosion resistant alloys (CRA), evaluation of calcareous deposits growth, corrosion of copper-brass piping for drinkable water, and corrosion of 3D printed aluminium for marine environments, among others.
Nowadays, he is a Research Officer at the Centre, leading the Acid Gas Corrosion theme within the QEERI-Curtin Alliance.
Francisco enjoys hanging out with friends, cycling and doing activities in nature.